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Tipo de material: bachelorThesis
Título : La evaluación psicológica forense y su incidencia en el delito de abuso sexual infantil
Autor : Reasco Valencia, Daysi Angélica
Director de Tesis : Vallejo Aillón, Norma Ivón, dir.
Descriptores : Psicología forense - Legislación - Ecuador - Tesis y disertaciones académicas;Abuso sexual de menores - Evaluación
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Quito
Citación : Tesis (Abogada), Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Jurisprudencia ; Quito, Ecuador, 2021
Páginas : 29 h.
Acceso: openAccess
CC0 1.0 Universal
Resumen : El presente ensayo tuvo por objeto abordar la práctica de la evaluación psicológica forense en los casos de abuso sexual infantil que carecen de evidencias físicas. Para ello, se estudió su definición, funcionalidad, críticas y valoración como medio probatorio, para determinar si es una pericia idónea que permite demostrar la existencia del hecho ilícito...
Descripción : The purpose of this essay was to address the practice of forensic psychological evaluation in cases of child sexual abuse that lack physical evidence. For this purpose, its definition, functionality, criticisms, and evaluation as a means of evidence were studied to determine whether it is suitable expertise that allows proving the existence of the illicit act. The aforementioned was carried out using doctrinal and qualitative methodologies, where Criminal Law, and especially Forensic Psychology, show that for this psychological expertise to be efficient, not only the practice of several psychological tools, instruments, and techniques according to the age, stage of development and needs of the victim should be foreseen, but also the diligent action of the administration of justice, which should avoid secondary victimization, the existence of contaminated testimonies, the violation of the victim's rights, and the arbitrariness of its judges...
URI : http://repositorio.usfq.edu.ec/handle/23000/11466
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Jurisprudencia

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