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Tipo de material: bachelorThesis
Título : Identificación del efecto fin de semana en la calidad de aire de Quito-Ecuador
Autor : Franco Calisto, Elizabeth Carolina
Director de Tesis : Parra, René (dir)
Descriptores : Contaminación del aire - Mediciones;Contaminación del aire - Estadísticas
Fecha de publicación : may-2015
Editorial : Quito, 2015.
Citación : Tesis (Ingeniera ambiental), Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Ciencias e Ingeniería; Quito, Ecuador, 2015.
Páginas : 79 h. : il.
Acceso: openAccess
Resumen : El Efecto Fin de Semana es un fenómeno que puede presentarse en zonas urbanas, caracterizado por un incremento de las concentraciones de O3 durante los días de fin de semana, a pesar de que las emisiones de sus precursores (NOx y VOC) son típicamente menores. El estudio del Efecto Fin de Semana es relevante, para entender el comportamiento de los contaminantes; y por ende, para la gestión de la calidad del aire. A fin de identificar este fenómeno en Quito, se procesaron y analizaron los registros horarios de la calidad del aire, de los años 2005 a 2012, de 8 estaciones automáticas de la Red de Monitoreo de la Calidad del Aire. Se elaboraron para cada año y estación, 3 perfiles medios diarios de las concentraciones de CO, NO2, MP2.5 y O3, diferenciando los días laborables, sábados y domingos. Se obtuvieron además las concentraciones medias octohorarias de O3, para cuantificar el porcentaje de variación, de sábados y domingos con respecto a las concentraciones de lunes a viernes. Para todo el periodo analizado, los perfiles de CO, NO2 y MP2.5 de la estación Belisario indican un descenso en las concentraciones de sábados y domingos, como consecuencia de un menor actividad vehicular. Sin embargo, para el O3 las concentraciones son mayores en sábados y domingos. Los porcentajes de variación de las concentraciones octohorarias de O3 de los domingos, con respecto a los días laborables, son consistentemente mayores en Belisario (19.7 – 31.1%) y Centro (11.7 – 18.4%). El Efecto Fin de Semana se presenta con claridad en la zona de influencia de estas dos estaciones. Con el fin de evaluar la importancia en Quito, de las hipótesis que explican el Efecto Fin de Semana es necesario incorporar al análisis nuevos registros, desarrollar inventarios de emisiones horarios que consideren el cambio de los patrones de emisión durante la semana y simular la calidad del aire mediante modelos de transporte químico.
Descripción : The Weekend Effect is a phenomenon that occurs in urban areas, and it is characterized by increased concentrations of O_3 during weekend days, although emissions of its precursors (NO_X and VOC) are typically lower. The study of the Weekend Effect is relevant for understanding the behavior of pollutants; and hence, for the management of air quality. In order to identify this phenomenon in Quito, the hourly data of the air quality records of the period 2005-2012, from 8 automatic stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network of Quito, were processed and analyzed. For each year and station, 3 mean profiles were obtained for the concentrations of CO, NO2, MP2.5 and O3, differentiating work days, Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, the mean concentrations during 8 hours were obtained for O3, to quantify the percentage of variation of Saturdays and Sundays in relation to work days. For all the analyzed years, the profiles of CO, NO2, MP2.5 in the Belisario station, indicate a decline of concentrations on Saturdays and Sundays, as a consequence of less traffic activity. However, the O3 concentrations are higher on Saturday and Sundays. The percentage of variation of the mean 8 hours concentration of O_3 on Sundays in relation to work days, are consistently higher in the Belisario (19.7 – 31.1%) and Centro (11.7 – 18.4%) stations. The Weekend Effect is clearly present in the area of influence of these two stations. In order to evaluate the importance in Quito of the hypotheses that explain the Weekend Effect, it is necessary to incorporate new records in the analysis, the development of hourly emissions inventories that consider the change of patterns during the week and simulate the air quality dynamic using chemical transport models.The Weekend Effect is a phenomenon that occurs in urban areas, and it is characterized by increased concentrations of O_3 during weekend days, although emissions of its precursors (NO_X and VOC) are typically lower. The study of the Weekend Effect is relevant for understanding the behavior of pollutants; and hence, for the management of air quality. In order to identify this phenomenon in Quito, the hourly data of the air quality records of the period 2005-2012, from 8 automatic stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network of Quito, were processed and analyzed. For each year and station, 3 mean profiles were obtained for the concentrations of CO, NO2, MP2.5 and O3, differentiating work days, Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, the mean concentrations during 8 hours were obtained for O3, to quantify the percentage of variation of Saturdays and Sundays in relation to work days. For all the analyzed years, the profiles of CO, NO2, MP2.5 in the Belisario station, indicate a decline of concentrations on Saturdays and Sundays, as a consequence of less traffic activity. However, the O3 concentrations are higher on Saturday and Sundays. The percentage of variation of the mean 8 hours concentration of O_3 on Sundays in relation to work days, are consistently higher in the Belisario (19.7 – 31.1%) and Centro (11.7 – 18.4%) stations. The Weekend Effect is clearly present in the area of influence of these two stations. In order to evaluate the importance in Quito of the hypotheses that explain the Weekend Effect, it is necessary to incorporate new records in the analysis, the development of hourly emissions inventories that consider the change of patterns during the week and simulate the air quality dynamic using chemical transport models.
URI : http://repositorio.usfq.edu.ec/handle/23000/4183
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Gestión Ambiental

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