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dc.contributor.advisorViteri, María Amelia (dir)-
dc.contributor.authorMeier Hildegard, Kornelia Miranda-
dc.identifier.citationTesis (Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales), Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades; Quito, Ecuador, 2015.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe world is slowly turning into a global village and borders that once stood between cultures now serve as bridges for the enjoyment of diversity between people of different races and ethnicities. This paper will analyze the current crisis the United Nations is facing at this particular moment to examine main limitations for reform in order to become more transparent, accountable and democratic. For this purpose I will analyze the main events that led to the birth, evolution and current state of the United Nations. . Then, I will examine the current issues the organization is facing today, by pointing out the main obstacles that contribute to its current undemocratic and ineffective perceived status. I will also describe the main initiatives that have been introduced to restructure the UN, as well as the main causes it has failed to be reformed. Finally, I will explore the feasibility of current proposals for reform along with the incorporation of new international actors and concerns.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDespite the fact that the United Nations has been exponentially losing credibility, it would be unfair not to acknowledge that organization has fairly contributed to tackle development related issues through some of its specialized agencies. However, colossal failures have been vividly exposed, and consequently contributed to the growing perception that the organization has become inefficient and overbearingly undemocratic. Now, the question is why. Countless academics and diplomats have made several efforts to figure it out, but sadly academia hasn’t been able to be persuasive enough, and the international community has failed to take action. For these reasons, this paper will analyze the main challenges the United Nations is currently facing, as well the ongoing efforts for a reform to make it more efficient given the contemporary changing worldwide conflicts and the new challenges it faces.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 h.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: USFQ, 2015es_ES
dc.subjectOrganismos internacionaleses_ES
dc.subject.otherCiencias políticases_ES
dc.subject.otherRelaciones internacionaleses_ES
dc.titleA review of the reform of the United Nationses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Psicología

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