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Tipo de material: masterThesis
Título : Determining the viability of rice hush bioenergy in Ecuador
Autor : Ottoni, Steven Aurelio
Director de Tesis : Córdova, Ximena (dir)
Descriptores : Energía Biomásica;Aprovechamiento de Residuos;Combustibles;Electricidad Básica
Fecha de publicación : oct-2010
Editorial : Quito, 2010.
Citación : Tesis (Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Development), University of Calgary, Facuty of Graduate Studies; Quito, Ecuador, 2010.
Páginas : 88, [7] h. : il.
Acceso: openAccess
Descripción : Ecuador’s national electricity plan faces major challenges in the upcoming years: current oil derivative subsidies are economically unsustainable; and an increasing reliace on hydroelectric power can cause nationwide energy shortages, as shown 2009. It is for these reasons that this study proposes the use of decentralized forms of energy, like bioenergy, to help meet the country’s future energy needs….
URI : http://repositorio.usfq.edu.ec/handle/23000/4434
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Maestrías en Desarrollo Energético Sustentable – Calgary

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