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dc.contributor.advisorAvilés, Sonia Valeria, dir.-
dc.contributor.authorGranda Muñoz, Diego Esteban-
dc.contributor.authorEspinel Alvear, Geovanny David-
dc.contributor.authorVillagómez Ramírez, Christian Eduardo-
dc.identifier.citationTesis (Ingeniero Indistrial), Universidad San Francisco de Quito , Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías; Quito, Ecuador, 2020es_ES
dc.descriptionThe home appliance industry has had a strong development in recent years. The growing demand for these products is challenging operational planning and and solvency of orders for companies engaged in their manufacturing, logistics or marketing. order reliability. In the area of logistics, the planning of its distribution, becomes more complex when considering various factors, such as the geographical location of customers, truck capacity, special service conditions and time restrictions.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa industria de electrodomésticos ha tenido un fuerte auge en los últimos años. La creciente demanda de estos productos constituye un desafío en la planificación operacional y la solvencia de pedidos para las empresas dedicadas a su manufactura, logística o comercialización. En el área de logística, la planeación de su distribución, incrementa su complejidad al considerar varios factores, como la localización geográfica de los clientes, la capacidad de camiones, condiciones especiales de servicio y restricciones de horario...es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe home appliance industry has had a strong development in recent years. The growing demand for these products is challenging operational planning and and solvency of orders for companies engaged in their manufacturing, logistics or marketing. order reliability. In the area of logistics, the planning of its distribution, becomes more complex when considering various factors, such as the geographical location of customers, truck capacity, special service conditions and time restrictions...es_ES
dc.format.extent49 h.es_ES
dc.subjectIngeniería industrial -- Logística empresarial -- Tesis y disertaciones académicases_ES
dc.subject.otherCiencias Socialeses_ES
dc.titlePropuesta de un calendario de abastecimiento y ruteo Óptimo : Para una empresa de reparto de Electrodomésticoses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería Industrial

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