Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 98
Vista previa | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Título | Autor(es) |
| 8-sep-2021 | Turnover of dominant Escherichia coli lineages and antimicrobial resistance variations in children gastrointestinal tract.A prospective study | Trueba Piedrahita, Gabriel, dir.; Calderón Carvajal, Diana Joella |
| 4-nov-2020 | Leishmanicidal activity of ishpingo and moringa plants | Zapata, Sonia, dir.; Espinosa Méndez, Franklin André |
| 4-nov-2020 | Characterization of intestinal microbiota from indigenous people with metabolic syndrome in the Highlands of Ecuador | Terán, Enrique, dir.; Tana Hernández, Leandro Ramiro |
| 4-nov-2020 | Root microbiome modulates plant growth promotion induced by low doses of glyphosate | León Reyes, Antonio, dir.; Ramírez Villacís, Darío Xavier |
| 30-oct-2020 | Exploring fungal pathogens to control invasive raspberry (Rubus niveus) in Galapagos Islands | León Reyes, Antonio, dir.; Barriga Medina, Noelia Nathaly |
| 26-oct-2020 | Exploring the microbiome composition of the rhizosphere associated with the wild Andean blueberry (Vaccinium floribundum, Kunth) in the highlands of Ecuador | Torres, María de Lourdes, dir; Pinos León, Andrea Janeth |
| 19-oct-2020 | Virulence characterization of Helicobacter pylori in Ecuadorian patients with gastric infection and cancer gastric | Machado, Antonio, dir.; Dávila Pinto, Andrea Belén |
| 19-nov-2019 | Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in artisanal soft cheeses from different street markets of Ecuador | Zapata Mena, Sonia, dir.; Espinosa Mata, Alexandra Estefanía |
| 14-oct-2019 | Gastrointestinal microbiota of children 6-8 years of age living in Cuenca, Guayllabamba and Uyumbicho (Ecuador) | Cárdenas, Paúl, dir.; Fiallos Cazar, Lucía Patricia |
| 11-jul-2019 | Streptococcus pneumoniae nasopharyngeal carriage in indigenous Kichwa communities of Otavalo, Ecuador serotypes, risk factors, and associated respiratory pathogens | Terán, Enrique, director; Regalado León, Daniela Alejandra |
| 18-abr-2019 | Comparación de genes de virulencia entre helicobacter pylori y otras especies de helicobacter en pacientes ecuatorianos | Machado, Antonio, director; Delgado Arcentales, Favio Roberto |
| 25-feb-2019 | Caracterización molecular de Moniliophthora roreri causante de la vaina helada (moniliasis) en el cacao en tres provincias del Ecuador : Los Ríos, Manabí y Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas | Torres, María de Lourdes, director; Aguirre Cobos, Génesis Xamara |
| 3-oct-2018 | Circulación de cepas de Escherichia coli resistentes a los antibióticos en comunidades remotas de la provincia de Esmeraldas | Trueba, Gabriel, director; Ontaneda Luna, Sonia |
| 21-sep-2018 | Investigación de patógenos humanos y zoonósicos en potenciales fuentes de agua para Quito | Trueba, Gabriel, director; Rodríguez Badillo, Melina de Lourdes |
| 21-sep-2018 | Characterization of infectious vaginitis amongst ecuadorian women of reproductive age | Machado, Antonio, dir.; Osorio Pozo, Verónica Gabriela |
| 12-sep-2018 | Escherichia coli pathotypes associated with diarrhea in Borbon- Ecuador and antibiotic resistance | Trueba Piedrahita, Gabriel, dir.; Ortega Tinajero, Natali Estefanía |
| 10-sep-2018 | Abundancia y comportamiento alimenticio de Culex quinquefasciatus Say 1823 (Diptera culicidae) en la costa norte de Ecuador | León, Luis Renato, director; Ligña Cachago, Edison Javier |
| 21-jun-2018 | Analysis of mobile genetic elements and resistance genes found in commensal Escherichia coli from the gut of children and animals from a semi-rural community close to Quito | Trueba, Gabriel, director; Parra Jaramillo, Katherine Jeanneth |
| 14-jun-2018 | Changes in microbial composition during the removal of copper and zinc in a bioreactor with a limestone pre-column system | Ochoa-Herrera, Valeria, director; Zambrano Romero, María Aracely |
| 9-may-2018 | Investigación del virus de importancia médica y veterinaria transmitidos por culicoides | Zapata, Sonia, dir.; Mosquera Bolaños, Juan Daniel |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 98