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Tipo de material: bachelorThesis
Título : Estado ecuatoriano, periodismo de investigación y cine documental análisis de los procesos de investigación del documental La Muerte de Jaime Roldós y el reportaje Luces, cámara ¿derroche?
Autor : Domínguez Velásquez, Sharon Geovana
Director de Tesis : Samson, Eric (dir)
Descriptores : Periodismo;Investigaciones;Periodismo Cinematográfico;Reportajes Investigativos
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: USFQ, 2017
Citación : Tesis (Licenciada en Periodismo Multimedios), Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas; Quito, Ecuador, 2017
Páginas : 64 h., 8 p., [16 h.] : il. + 1 DVD
Acceso: openAccess
Resumen : En el Ecuador se han premiado y sancionado reportajes a pesar de que gracias a sus investigaciones se han develado situaciones contra el poder que son de interés público. El objetivo de este artículo es registrar los resultados de una tesis sobre el proceso de producción del documental “La muerte de Jaime Roldós” (2010) del director Manolo Sarmiento y el reportaje “Luces. Cámara, ¿derroche?” (2016) del periodista Tomás Ciuffardi, considerando sus procesos de investigación y por qué han sido reconocidos por el Gobierno de manera distinta. Se empleó un método etnográfico con técnicas de observación participante y entrevistas para alcanzar los resultados de la investigación. Entre ellos se evidencia que en el documental y el reportaje de denuncia se aplicó técnicas del periodismo de investigación (Domínguez, 2016, 21). Pero, en vista de que una de las piezas audiovisuales analizadas, el reportaje, fue interrumpido en su transmisión por una cadena estatal (Fundamedios, 2016,1) se puede concluir que ciertos productos audiovisuales periodísticos, a pesar de sus logradas investigaciones, son sancionados por la relación actual entre Gobierno ecuatoriano y medios de comunicación.
Descripción : In a documentary called “La muerte de Jaime Roldos” and a televised report, called “Luces,Camara, ¿derroche?” The purpose of these investigations was to explore the complaints amongst the officials of Ecuador. Also, these audiovisuals show situations that the government is uncomfortable with but the general public has a lot of interest such as money problems, social issues and political conflicts. After both were aired for the public the government was very pleased with “La muerte de Jaime Roldos” and gave a very good review of this documentary. However, when the televised report “Luces,Camara, ¿derroche?” was aired, there was an interruption in the program. The documentary “La muerte de Jaime Roldós” received a very special announcement during the 29th Malvinas award show during a festival called the Festival de Cine Americano in Trieste, Italy. The embassy of Ecuador in Italy and the Ecuadorian council talked about the special announcement of “La muerte de Jaime Roldós” in Ecuador. In the televised report “Luces,Camara, ¿derroche?,” The author presented that there were large amounts of money going into productions and promotions by the government, which weren’t effectively being distributed to different productions of propaganda the government had promised. The issue was very important because none of these advertisements were being released or aired. Not only that but the segment that was supposed to talk about this issue was interrupted. However, for this investigation it was important to find out more about ethnographic application and use each of the interviews as a way to draw conclusions and analyze the culture of investigative reporting/the responsibilities and risks that come with investigative reporting. The comparison between Vision 360TV’s reports and the documentarys is very interesting due to the various scene positions as well as the conflicts that arose in each production. Also, the critical factors that go behind production was a huge wakeup call because now and then government authorities will try to interrupt various messages but in reality, the public needs to hear about what is going on because the issues are known to be much more important. Documentaries and TV’s reports use investigative journalism.
URI : http://repositorio.usfq.edu.ec/handle/23000/6479
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Periodismo

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